Saturday, March 1, 2008

da kon is back...

somehow after much urging from my bestie....i decided to somehow update my blog today....hehe....i am already in Sydney for 2 weeks and i am starting to miss home...but having that my mum and dad calles often it helps a little......

welll i really miss the days back in penang with my's a few pictures....

miss this bunch of good you can see there michele who left to new zealand already and i think everyone misses her dearly....hope to keep in touch with her...then there is my bestie who is currently studying in KEMAYAN....hope when you graduate and when i need legal advise you dont charge me...haha.....there the sweet couple....J & J...i think you guys know who i am talking about.....that there's my good fren wei min in yellow and boon how in white....and my bestie in grey who have lost 50% of his weight and i wish if i have his preseverence...i think i am going to at least lose a uater of my size....

started uni last monday....still trying to get use to the surrounding and the tell the truth i really cant believe it as the majority of the students in my uni are mostly from china....DAMN....i really can't stand their strong china accent....its terrible....

met a few people....and they are kinda friendly....a guy from china who can spek cantonese...he is kinda nice...then there is this girl from sri lanka...her name is Brahmi....kinda person...the rest is from china....and korea..... i said i am starting to miss home....staying with a relative is not too bad but then at a certain time its just that you will really miss home....i am starting to miss...:
1) My computer
2) My internet
3) Rabu...well its kinda expensive and inconvenient the transportation here....
4) My bed...its really comfortable....
5) My pillow and bolsters
6) My mum's cooking...its not that my uncle is not a good cook...its just that my mum's better
7) My family
8) My friends....
IN TOTAL I MISS PENANG..............
I think thats all tonight mr blog....nightzzzzzz


Alan said...

Good start. At least I see posts. And I didn't lose that much la. Makes me paiseh nia! I do hope you know how this comment thing goes. Go comment at my posts once a while too. I'll be checking your blog often for your updates and I'm presuming that you'll be updating them regularly. And if I do happen to be a lawyer I expect you to be my big time client okie!

Anonymous said...

u miss rabu?.. or raba?.. haha..